Headaches in Children: When to Be Concerned and Consult a Pediatric Specialist

Headaches in Children: When to Be Concerned and Consult a Pediatric Specialist

Babies and young adults experience a lot of headaches, and they may be caused by many reasons. It is appropriate to distinguish where one should consult the help of a doctor, with the overwhelming majority of headaches not being fatal. Paying attention to children’s health, this article describes the types of headaches that children suffer and such signs that require a paediatrician’s intervention; it also provides information on where to obtain high-quality paediatric care in Delhi and the National Capital Region.

How frequently can headaches occur in children?

Bearing in mind that pain is a subjective experience and varies in degree, it should be noted that headaches are quite frequent in children. As for the head difficulties, 20% of the children between 5 and 17 years old said they had a headache. Tension headaches, with a 15% prevalence, and migraines, with a 5% prevalence, rank highly among this population.

Many parents fear that their child's headache could be indicative of a severe condition, such as a tumour. Still, only 2.9% of headaches can be attributed to these conditions. In children, most cases of headaches are caused by stress, anxiety and other activities in their day-to-day lives.

Various Kinds of Headaches in Children

There are several types of headaches in children, and each of them is characterised by specific causes and manifestations. The most common types include:

1. Tension Headaches

Tension headaches most often affect children and are accompanied by steady, throbbing pain on both sides of the head. Symptoms are usually brought on by stress, slouching, or muscle spasms.

2. Migraines

Migraine in children is more severe than tension headaches and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine is known to persist for several hours to a few days and is believed to have a genetic linkage. 

3. Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are less frequent in children, are characterised by severe pain, and occur in clusters. That is, they occur several times a day for weeks or months and then cease for a while. They are usually one-sided and may be accompanied by nasal congestion or tearing of the eyes.

4. Sinus Headaches

Any headaches resulting from an inflammation of the sinuses due to infections or allergies are called sinus headaches. This is most often localised in the forehead, cheeks, and about the eyes.

Which diagnostic tools can be helpful for diagnosing headaches in children?

In order to diagnose headaches, your paediatrician will recommend various imaging tests. Such tests include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and computed tomography (CT scan). 

When should a child be brought to a paediatrician?

Although the majority of headaches in children are harmless, some signs and course of the disorder should attract the attention of a paediatric neurologist.

1. Sudden and Severe Headaches

Headache that is sudden in onset and is described as the worst problem of the child should be evaluated and treated. It may be due to factors such as meningitis, haemorrhage, or a brain tumour.

2. Headaches with Neurological Symptoms

They should also be referred to a paediatric neurologist if the associated headache has neurological features that include an alteration in the patient’s consciousness, vision abnormalities, slurred speech or language problems, focal weakness, or seizures.

3. Frequent and Persistent Headaches

Episodic headaches that are frequent occur more than twice a week, and cannot be managed by the use of OTC medications should be evaluated.

4. Headaches with Systemic Symptoms

Migraines that are accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, loss of weight, or neck pains, may be due to some underlying infection of another disease condition.

5. Headaches Following Head Trauma

Any headache that emerges after experiencing a head blow should be discussed with a paediatrician to check for a concussion or a much more serious brain trauma.

Guidelines to Choosing the Best Paediatrician in Delhi and Delhi, NCR

When it comes to the health of your child, it is important that you select the right paediatrician

1. Research and Reviews

A paediatrician should have positive remarks made by other parents and those with children when recommending a doctor. As of now, there are many different resources and platforms related to social networks and healthcare websites, with descriptions of various services and products, along with the possibility of feedback in the form of a rating.

2. Qualifications and Experience

First, check if the paediatrician was properly trained and has sufficient years of experience. The advisory is to get board-certified paediatricians with extra fellowship training in paediatric neurology or paediatric headache management for children experiencing persistent headaches.

3. Hospital Affiliations

Select paediatricians in hospitals and medical institutions with strong reputations. Shri Balaji Action Medical Institute is among the most well-reputed hospitals in Delhi for the best paediatricians.

4. Accessibility and Availability

Choose the paediatrician you prefer to use, who is close to where you live and who has hours that are convenient for you. There are times when paediatricians should just be present or should have a backup, typically during emergency situations.

5. Personal Recommendations

Credible reports from friends or family, other doctors that one may deal with or any other related source can be very useful. They can give an account of the physician’s attitude, communication skills, and efficacy in the context of paediatric care.

To Sum Up

Headaches in children can be a problem, but knowing when to be worried and how to go about it can help a lot. A child should report any pain that persists, is severe, recurring, or presents with other symptoms to the paediatrician. 

If you are looking for the best paediatrician in Delhi or the best paediatrician in Delhi NCR, keep these factors in mind when choosing a paediatrician. The health and welfare of your child should always come first, and with the help of a good specialist, you will be able to give your child the best attention.

Dr. R.D. Srivastava

Principal Consultant

Child Development Clinic, Pediatric Medicine, Neonatology, Pediatric

Book an Appointment 011-42888888 View Profile

Dr. R.D. Srivastava

Principal Consultant
